Earning a spot on the prestigious AD100 takes more than talent; it requires passion, dedication, and years of hard work, a daunting reality for those just starting out in the design world. If that’s you, however, you’re in luck. We had the opportunity to ask nine of the 2016 AD100 honorees the advice they would give their younger selves if they could turn back time. Their words of wisdom—which range from short and sweet to reflective and profound—are surprising, inspiring, and certainly worth taking note.
Alexa Hampton
“I would tell myself that having fun at my job is not frivolity. Don’t fight fun!”
Jan Showers
“Always trust your instincts—don’t overthink.”
Timothy Corrigan
“Leave your ego at the door. Design is all about trust between you and your clients. You must establish and reinforce it all along the way.”
Greg Tankersley, McAlpine
“Listen more. Talk less.”
David Rockwell, Rockwell Group
“Enjoy every single moment of the process and pay attention to what you’re passionate about.”
Vicente Wolf
“My advice to my younger self would be to stay ahead of technology and social media and to be more social and public.”
Bunny Williams
“Surround yourself with people who do things you don’t do—business, organization. It allows you to do the things you’re better at doing.”
Jamie Drake
“It is ultimately all about the clients’ preferences. They’re the ones who go in and out the door every day; we don’t.”
Philip Vergeylen, Paolo Moschino for Nicholas Haslam Ltd.
“Learn. Read. Absorb. Be a sponge and be open-minded.”